Jach'a Jawira (Ingavi)

The Jach'a Jawira (Aymara jach'a big, great, jawira river, "big river", also spelled Jachcha Jahuira) is a river in the La Paz Department of Bolivia, south of Wiñaymarka, the southern branch of Lake Titicaca. It is a tributary of the Desaguadero River. It flows along the southern slopes of the Chilla-Kimsa Chata mountain range. Some of its affluents from the range are Chuñu Jawira, Titiri, Chuqi Q'awa, Qurani, Qupa Jaqhi Jawira and another river named Chuqi Q'awa (or Achuma).

Jach'a Jawira (Ingavi)

The Jach'a Jawira (Aymara jach'a big, great, jawira river, "big river", also spelled Jachcha Jahuira) is a river in the La Paz Department of Bolivia, south of Wiñaymarka, the southern branch of Lake Titicaca. It is a tributary of the Desaguadero River. It flows along the southern slopes of the Chilla-Kimsa Chata mountain range. Some of its affluents from the range are Chuñu Jawira, Titiri, Chuqi Q'awa, Qurani, Qupa Jaqhi Jawira and another river named Chuqi Q'awa (or Achuma).