Jahaic languages

The Jahaic languages (also called Semang and North Aslian) are a group of Aslian languages spoken by about 5,000 people in inland areas of Peninsular Malaysia, with a few pockets in southern Thailand. The most distinctive language in the group is Chewong, which is spoken south of Semai. The other languages apart from Tonga can be split into two divisions: * Chewong * Jahaic proper * Eastern * Batek (Batek Dèq and Batek Nong), Mintil (Batek Tanɨm) * Jehai (Jahai), Minriq (Menriq) * Western: Kintaq, Kensiu (Maniq) (unclassified) Tonga (Mos, Maniq)

Jahaic languages

The Jahaic languages (also called Semang and North Aslian) are a group of Aslian languages spoken by about 5,000 people in inland areas of Peninsular Malaysia, with a few pockets in southern Thailand. The most distinctive language in the group is Chewong, which is spoken south of Semai. The other languages apart from Tonga can be split into two divisions: * Chewong * Jahaic proper * Eastern * Batek (Batek Dèq and Batek Nong), Mintil (Batek Tanɨm) * Jehai (Jahai), Minriq (Menriq) * Western: Kintaq, Kensiu (Maniq) (unclassified) Tonga (Mos, Maniq)