Japan Ice Hockey League

The Japan Ice Hockey League (JIHL) (日本アイスホッケーリーグ) was an annual ice hockey league that began in 1966 and ended in 2004 when it was replaced by Asia League Ice Hockey. Only Japanese teams competed in the JIHL. Baseball and football have been the dominant Japanese sports for decades, but ice hockey in Japan started in the 1920s. Teams have been competing in the All Japan Championships since 1930, making the tournament one of the oldest sporting competitions in the country.

Japan Ice Hockey League

The Japan Ice Hockey League (JIHL) (日本アイスホッケーリーグ) was an annual ice hockey league that began in 1966 and ended in 2004 when it was replaced by Asia League Ice Hockey. Only Japanese teams competed in the JIHL. Baseball and football have been the dominant Japanese sports for decades, but ice hockey in Japan started in the 1920s. Teams have been competing in the All Japan Championships since 1930, making the tournament one of the oldest sporting competitions in the country.