
Jaql (JAQL) is a functional data processing and query language most commonly used for JSON query processing on BigData. It started as an Open Source project at Google but the latest release was on 7/12/2010. IBM took it over as primary data processing language for their Hadoop software package BigInsights. Although having been developed for JSON it supports a variety of other data sources like CSV, TSV, XML. A comparison to other BigData query languages like PIG Latin and Hive QL illustrates performance and usability aspects of these technologies.


Jaql (JAQL) is a functional data processing and query language most commonly used for JSON query processing on BigData. It started as an Open Source project at Google but the latest release was on 7/12/2010. IBM took it over as primary data processing language for their Hadoop software package BigInsights. Although having been developed for JSON it supports a variety of other data sources like CSV, TSV, XML. A comparison to other BigData query languages like PIG Latin and Hive QL illustrates performance and usability aspects of these technologies.