Jek language

Cek, also known as Jek, Dzhek, is a Northeast Caucasian language spoken by about 1,500 to 11,000 people in the villages of Jek in the mountains of northern Azerbaijan. Belongs to the Samurian division of the northwest branch of the Caucasic language family Jek language is not a written language and Azeri serves as the literary language of the Jek, as well as all Shahdagh peoples.

Jek language

Cek, also known as Jek, Dzhek, is a Northeast Caucasian language spoken by about 1,500 to 11,000 people in the villages of Jek in the mountains of northern Azerbaijan. Belongs to the Samurian division of the northwest branch of the Caucasic language family Jek language is not a written language and Azeri serves as the literary language of the Jek, as well as all Shahdagh peoples.