Jewish revolt against Heraclius

The Jewish revolt against Heraclius was part of the Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 and is considered the last serious Jewish attempt for gaining autonomy in the Land of Israel prior to modern times. Many historians view this war as marking the end of antiquity. According to a recent theory, the revolt and the general Byzantine-Persian War took place during the Late Antique Little Ice Age, which marked the decline of the classic empires, demographic and economic collapse across the Near East and rise of the opportunistic forces, such as Muslim Arabs and Turks.

Jewish revolt against Heraclius

The Jewish revolt against Heraclius was part of the Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 and is considered the last serious Jewish attempt for gaining autonomy in the Land of Israel prior to modern times. Many historians view this war as marking the end of antiquity. According to a recent theory, the revolt and the general Byzantine-Persian War took place during the Late Antique Little Ice Age, which marked the decline of the classic empires, demographic and economic collapse across the Near East and rise of the opportunistic forces, such as Muslim Arabs and Turks.