Johnny Test

Johnny Test is an American-Canadian animated television series produced by Warner Bros. Animation, for the first season, and Cookie Jar, for the remainder of the series. It premiered on Kids' WB, on September 17, 2005, which continued to air the series through its second and third seasons. The rest of the series aired on Cartoon Network, from its debut on January 7, 2008, in the United States and internationally. In Canada, the series airs on Teletoon, premiering September 8, 2006. On June 25, 2015, voice actor James Arnold Taylor stated that he was unaware of any plans for a seventh season.

Johnny Test

Johnny Test is an American-Canadian animated television series produced by Warner Bros. Animation, for the first season, and Cookie Jar, for the remainder of the series. It premiered on Kids' WB, on September 17, 2005, which continued to air the series through its second and third seasons. The rest of the series aired on Cartoon Network, from its debut on January 7, 2008, in the United States and internationally. In Canada, the series airs on Teletoon, premiering September 8, 2006. On June 25, 2015, voice actor James Arnold Taylor stated that he was unaware of any plans for a seventh season.