
Jurnalo (jurnalo.com) is an automated news aggregator. Jurnalo crawls articles from hundreds of English and German news publishers. The composition of Jurnalo's homepage and its ranking of articles are determined by completely automated algorithms.According to Jurnalo, its ranking of articles is updated every two minutes and is based on each article's publication date, relevance and journalistic quality. Jurnalo's features include: - Ranked clusters of top headlines - News search - Author-search and author-subscriptions - Creation of individual topics by users


Jurnalo (jurnalo.com) is an automated news aggregator. Jurnalo crawls articles from hundreds of English and German news publishers. The composition of Jurnalo's homepage and its ranking of articles are determined by completely automated algorithms.According to Jurnalo, its ranking of articles is updated every two minutes and is based on each article's publication date, relevance and journalistic quality. Jurnalo's features include: - Ranked clusters of top headlines - News search - Author-search and author-subscriptions - Creation of individual topics by users