Karachi Development Authority

Karachi Development Authority (KDA) was established to develop Karachi under master plans. KDA was established in 1957. KDA owns undeveloped land in the city which it sell to real state development companies in Karachi. Karachi Development Authority replaced Karachi Improvement Trust (KIT) that was disbanded by President Muhammad Ayub Khan in 1957. The Karachi Development Authority was established by the order No V of 1957 signed by President of Pakistan General Muhammad Ayub Khan (Hilal-e-Ahmar) for development of the Karachi City and rehabilitation of the Refugees as well as Riot Affectees.

Karachi Development Authority

Karachi Development Authority (KDA) was established to develop Karachi under master plans. KDA was established in 1957. KDA owns undeveloped land in the city which it sell to real state development companies in Karachi. Karachi Development Authority replaced Karachi Improvement Trust (KIT) that was disbanded by President Muhammad Ayub Khan in 1957. The Karachi Development Authority was established by the order No V of 1957 signed by President of Pakistan General Muhammad Ayub Khan (Hilal-e-Ahmar) for development of the Karachi City and rehabilitation of the Refugees as well as Riot Affectees.