Kauai palila

The Kauaʻi palila or Pila's palila (Loxioides kikuchi) was a species of Hawaiian finch that was much larger than the palila (Loxioides bailleui). It was probably covered in feathers of red, gold, white, and black. It was described from subfossil remains discovered at the Makauwahi Cave on the south coast of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands.

Kauai palila

The Kauaʻi palila or Pila's palila (Loxioides kikuchi) was a species of Hawaiian finch that was much larger than the palila (Loxioides bailleui). It was probably covered in feathers of red, gold, white, and black. It was described from subfossil remains discovered at the Makauwahi Cave on the south coast of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands.