Kenya Police

The Kenya Police is a national body in charge of law enforcement in Kenya. While organised at a national level, each arm reports to a County police authority, which in turn divides its force by local Police Divisions, headquartered at local police stations. All these element report to a National Kenya Police Headquarters in Nairobi, and several specialist elements, such as the Kenya Police College, are commanded directly from here. An Administration Police service is commanded through a hierarchy separate from that of the National Kenya Police.For other state security bodies see Law enforcement in Kenya.

Kenya Police

The Kenya Police is a national body in charge of law enforcement in Kenya. While organised at a national level, each arm reports to a County police authority, which in turn divides its force by local Police Divisions, headquartered at local police stations. All these element report to a National Kenya Police Headquarters in Nairobi, and several specialist elements, such as the Kenya Police College, are commanded directly from here. An Administration Police service is commanded through a hierarchy separate from that of the National Kenya Police.For other state security bodies see Law enforcement in Kenya.