Ket (Greyhawk)

Ket is a political state in the fictional World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Because it lies in the only gap in the north-south spine of mountains that divides the eastern Flanaess from the western Baklunish Basin, Ket is a nexus of important trade routes, a nation of caravans and merchants where peoples and cultures from all parts of the Flanaess mix and mingle. Various editions of material published about this region between 1980 and 2000 have changed its character from a self-serving state often at odds with its neighbors to an evil state in league with the enemies of Good, and back again. Using Ket as a setting enables dungeon masters to present adventures within a pseudo-Persian or Arabian background, or to use Ket's grassy plains or primev

Ket (Greyhawk)

Ket is a political state in the fictional World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. Because it lies in the only gap in the north-south spine of mountains that divides the eastern Flanaess from the western Baklunish Basin, Ket is a nexus of important trade routes, a nation of caravans and merchants where peoples and cultures from all parts of the Flanaess mix and mingle. Various editions of material published about this region between 1980 and 2000 have changed its character from a self-serving state often at odds with its neighbors to an evil state in league with the enemies of Good, and back again. Using Ket as a setting enables dungeon masters to present adventures within a pseudo-Persian or Arabian background, or to use Ket's grassy plains or primev