
Kobato. (こばと。) is a manga series by Clamp which premiered in Monthly Sunday Gene-X in January 2005. Seven chapters were released under the title of Kobato. (Kari) (こばと。(仮) Kobato. ("Temporary title")), but the series was put on hiatus in late 2005. It returned to publication in Newtype magazine's November 2007 Japanese edition; the story has subsequently been restarted at an earlier point in the original timeline. The story features a mysterious young girl, Kobato Hanato, who works in a local kindergarten.


Kobato. (こばと。) is a manga series by Clamp which premiered in Monthly Sunday Gene-X in January 2005. Seven chapters were released under the title of Kobato. (Kari) (こばと。(仮) Kobato. ("Temporary title")), but the series was put on hiatus in late 2005. It returned to publication in Newtype magazine's November 2007 Japanese edition; the story has subsequently been restarted at an earlier point in the original timeline. The story features a mysterious young girl, Kobato Hanato, who works in a local kindergarten.