Kosvinsky Kamen

Mount Kosvinsky Kamen, Kosvinsky Mountain, Kosvinski Mountain, Kosvinsky Rock or Rostesnoy Rock (Russian: Косвинский камень, Косьвинский камень, Ростесной камень) is a mountain in the northern Urals, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Its summit is bare of vegetation with an uneven rocky surface and small lakes fed by melting snow. The Kosva River flows from the mountain, hence the name.

Kosvinsky Kamen

Mount Kosvinsky Kamen, Kosvinsky Mountain, Kosvinski Mountain, Kosvinsky Rock or Rostesnoy Rock (Russian: Косвинский камень, Косьвинский камень, Ростесной камень) is a mountain in the northern Urals, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Its summit is bare of vegetation with an uneven rocky surface and small lakes fed by melting snow. The Kosva River flows from the mountain, hence the name.