La Ciénaga (film)

La Ciénaga (English: The Swamp) is a 2001 Argentine, Spanish, and French film, written and directed by Lucrecia Martel. The film was executive produced by Ana Aizenberg, Diego Guebel, Mario Pergolini, and produced by Lita Stantic. The picture features Graciela Borges, Mercedes Morán, Martín Adjemián, Daniel Valenzuela, among others. The picture is set in the high plains of northwestern Argentina and portrays the life of a self-pitying Argentine bourgeois family.

La Ciénaga (film)

La Ciénaga (English: The Swamp) is a 2001 Argentine, Spanish, and French film, written and directed by Lucrecia Martel. The film was executive produced by Ana Aizenberg, Diego Guebel, Mario Pergolini, and produced by Lita Stantic. The picture features Graciela Borges, Mercedes Morán, Martín Adjemián, Daniel Valenzuela, among others. The picture is set in the high plains of northwestern Argentina and portrays the life of a self-pitying Argentine bourgeois family.