Ligaments of malleus

The ligaments of malleus are three ligaments that attach the malleus in the inner ear. They are the anterior, lateral and superior ligaments. The anterior ligament of the malleus is a fibrous band that extends from the neck of the malleus just above its anterior process to the anterior wall of the tympanic cavity close to the petrotympanic fissure. Some of the fibers also pass through the fissure to the spine of sphenoid bone. The lateral ligament of the malleus is a triangular fibrous band that crosses from the posterior aspect of the tympanic notch to the head or neck of the malleus.

Ligaments of malleus

The ligaments of malleus are three ligaments that attach the malleus in the inner ear. They are the anterior, lateral and superior ligaments. The anterior ligament of the malleus is a fibrous band that extends from the neck of the malleus just above its anterior process to the anterior wall of the tympanic cavity close to the petrotympanic fissure. Some of the fibers also pass through the fissure to the spine of sphenoid bone. The lateral ligament of the malleus is a triangular fibrous band that crosses from the posterior aspect of the tympanic notch to the head or neck of the malleus.