
Līlāśuka, whose original name was Bilavamangalam, is the author of the romantic poem Kṛśṇa-karaṇāmṛta (The Ear-nectar about Krishna) which deals with the early life of Krishna among the cow-herds, with his companions. Līlāśuka probably at King Kulaśekhara’s court (c.900 A.D.) wrote this popular lyric on Krishna as the sexually precocious infant loved by all women but interpreted as symbolising God attracting all souls, thus an early example of Vaishnava devotional kāvya. This work exists in two recensions, the southern and the western and is the canonical text of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas.


Līlāśuka, whose original name was Bilavamangalam, is the author of the romantic poem Kṛśṇa-karaṇāmṛta (The Ear-nectar about Krishna) which deals with the early life of Krishna among the cow-herds, with his companions. Līlāśuka probably at King Kulaśekhara’s court (c.900 A.D.) wrote this popular lyric on Krishna as the sexually precocious infant loved by all women but interpreted as symbolising God attracting all souls, thus an early example of Vaishnava devotional kāvya. This work exists in two recensions, the southern and the western and is the canonical text of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas.