Line of Duty

Line of Duty is a British police procedural television series created by Jed Mercurio that premiered on 26 June 2012. It is the most popular drama series broadcast on BBC Two in the multichannel era and is a winner of the Royal Television Society Award for Best Drama Series. The first series was BBC Two's best-performing drama series in 10 years, with a consolidated audience of 4.1 million viewers. The drama was recommissioned for a second series and the first episode was broadcast on 12 February 2014. The second series achieved widespread public and critical acclaim, and on 8 April 2014, the BBC commissioned two more series. In April 2014, Line of Duty was included in a list of the Top 50 BBC Two shows of all-time. In an interview on 28 April 2016, creator Jed Mercurio said that a fourth

Line of Duty

Line of Duty is a British police procedural television series created by Jed Mercurio that premiered on 26 June 2012. It is the most popular drama series broadcast on BBC Two in the multichannel era and is a winner of the Royal Television Society Award for Best Drama Series. The first series was BBC Two's best-performing drama series in 10 years, with a consolidated audience of 4.1 million viewers. The drama was recommissioned for a second series and the first episode was broadcast on 12 February 2014. The second series achieved widespread public and critical acclaim, and on 8 April 2014, the BBC commissioned two more series. In April 2014, Line of Duty was included in a list of the Top 50 BBC Two shows of all-time. In an interview on 28 April 2016, creator Jed Mercurio said that a fourth