List of Fat Wreck Chords compilation albums

Free samplers that were given out. Most album titles and covers are parodies of well-known punk albums. * If Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries...Why Is Floyd Always In The Pit? (1999) * More RPM's Than Floyd on a Scooter (2000) * Floyd... And Out Come the Teeth (2001) * Parody of ...And Out Come the Wolves (1995) by Rancid * The Thing That Floyd Ate (2001) * Parody of The Thing That Ate Floyd (Lookout! Records compilation) * Floyd: Squawk Among Us (2002) * Parody of Walk Among Us (1982) by The Misfits * The Exfloyded (2003) * Parody of On Stage by The Exploited * Anti-Floyd - The Terrier State (2004) * Parody of The Terror State (2003) by Anti-Flag * Rock Against Floyd (2005) * Parody of Fat Wrecks' own Rock Against Bush, Vol. 1 compilation * Land Of The Rising Floyd (2007)

List of Fat Wreck Chords compilation albums

Free samplers that were given out. Most album titles and covers are parodies of well-known punk albums. * If Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries...Why Is Floyd Always In The Pit? (1999) * More RPM's Than Floyd on a Scooter (2000) * Floyd... And Out Come the Teeth (2001) * Parody of ...And Out Come the Wolves (1995) by Rancid * The Thing That Floyd Ate (2001) * Parody of The Thing That Ate Floyd (Lookout! Records compilation) * Floyd: Squawk Among Us (2002) * Parody of Walk Among Us (1982) by The Misfits * The Exfloyded (2003) * Parody of On Stage by The Exploited * Anti-Floyd - The Terrier State (2004) * Parody of The Terror State (2003) by Anti-Flag * Rock Against Floyd (2005) * Parody of Fat Wrecks' own Rock Against Bush, Vol. 1 compilation * Land Of The Rising Floyd (2007)