List of Jewish American computer scientists

This is a list of famous Jewish American computer scientists. For other famous Jewish Americans, see List of Jewish Americans. * Hal Abelson, artificial intelligence * Len Adleman, RSA cryptography, DNA computing, Turing Award (2002) * David Austreng, photographic display "32-BIt Quickdraw" Apple Computer (1987), photo 3D web (1996) * Paul Baran, packet switching * Daniel J. Bernstein, cryptologist * Manuel Blum, computational complexity, Turing Award (1995) * Dan Bricklin, creator of the original spreadsheet * Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google * Wendell Brown, co-founder of LiveOps, eVoice and Teleo * Peter Elias, information theory * Robert Fano, information theory * Edward Feigenbaum, artificial intelligence, Turing Award (1994) * William F. Friedman, cryptologi

List of Jewish American computer scientists

This is a list of famous Jewish American computer scientists. For other famous Jewish Americans, see List of Jewish Americans. * Hal Abelson, artificial intelligence * Len Adleman, RSA cryptography, DNA computing, Turing Award (2002) * David Austreng, photographic display "32-BIt Quickdraw" Apple Computer (1987), photo 3D web (1996) * Paul Baran, packet switching * Daniel J. Bernstein, cryptologist * Manuel Blum, computational complexity, Turing Award (1995) * Dan Bricklin, creator of the original spreadsheet * Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google * Wendell Brown, co-founder of LiveOps, eVoice and Teleo * Peter Elias, information theory * Robert Fano, information theory * Edward Feigenbaum, artificial intelligence, Turing Award (1994) * William F. Friedman, cryptologi