List of Jewish American philosophers

This is a list of famous Jewish American philosophers. For other famous Jewish Americans, see Lists of Jewish Americans. * Mortimer Adler, philosopher (converted to Episcopalianism in 1984 and then to Catholicism in 2000) * Peter Achinstein, philosopher of science * Paul Benacerraf, philosopher * Max Black, analytic philosopher * Joseph Blau, philosopher * Ned Block, philosopher of mind * Allan Bloom, political philosopher * George Boolos, logician * Judith Butler * Stanley Cavell, philosopher * Noam Chomsky, linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, and activist * Morris Raphael Cohen, philosopher * Norman Daniels, political philosopher * Arthur Danto, philosophy of aesthetics * Hubert Dreyfus, critic of cognitivism * Ronald Dworkin, legal ph

List of Jewish American philosophers

This is a list of famous Jewish American philosophers. For other famous Jewish Americans, see Lists of Jewish Americans. * Mortimer Adler, philosopher (converted to Episcopalianism in 1984 and then to Catholicism in 2000) * Peter Achinstein, philosopher of science * Paul Benacerraf, philosopher * Max Black, analytic philosopher * Joseph Blau, philosopher * Ned Block, philosopher of mind * Allan Bloom, political philosopher * George Boolos, logician * Judith Butler * Stanley Cavell, philosopher * Noam Chomsky, linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, and activist * Morris Raphael Cohen, philosopher * Norman Daniels, political philosopher * Arthur Danto, philosophy of aesthetics * Hubert Dreyfus, critic of cognitivism * Ronald Dworkin, legal ph