List of Jewish American photographers

This is a list of notable Jewish American photographers. For other notable Jewish Americans, see List of Jewish Americans. * Diane Arbus * Richard Avedon * Robert Capa * Alfred Eisenstaedt * Elliott Erwitt * Robert Frank * Nan Goldin * Milton Goldstein * Philippe Halsman * André Kertész * William Klein * Annie Leibovitz * Helen Levitt * Linda McCartney * Man Ray * Joe Rosenthal * David Seymour * Julius Shulman * Aaron Siskind * Alfred Stieglitz * Paul Strand * Stanley Tretick * Weegee * Garry Winogrand

List of Jewish American photographers

This is a list of notable Jewish American photographers. For other notable Jewish Americans, see List of Jewish Americans. * Diane Arbus * Richard Avedon * Robert Capa * Alfred Eisenstaedt * Elliott Erwitt * Robert Frank * Nan Goldin * Milton Goldstein * Philippe Halsman * André Kertész * William Klein * Annie Leibovitz * Helen Levitt * Linda McCartney * Man Ray * Joe Rosenthal * David Seymour * Julius Shulman * Aaron Siskind * Alfred Stieglitz * Paul Strand * Stanley Tretick * Weegee * Garry Winogrand