Local Void

The Local Void is a vast, empty region of space, lying adjacent to the Local Group. Discovered by Brent Tully and Rick Fisher in 1987, the Local Void is now known to be composed of three separate sectors, separated by bridges of "wispy filaments". The precise extent of the void is unknown, but it is at least 45 Mpc (150 million light-years) across and may have a long dimension of up to 70 Mpc (230 million light-years). The Local Void also appears to have significantly fewer galaxies than expected from standard cosmology.

Local Void

The Local Void is a vast, empty region of space, lying adjacent to the Local Group. Discovered by Brent Tully and Rick Fisher in 1987, the Local Void is now known to be composed of three separate sectors, separated by bridges of "wispy filaments". The precise extent of the void is unknown, but it is at least 45 Mpc (150 million light-years) across and may have a long dimension of up to 70 Mpc (230 million light-years). The Local Void also appears to have significantly fewer galaxies than expected from standard cosmology.