Longmyndian Supergroup

The Longmyndian Supergroup is a 6,000-metre-thick (20,000 ft) sequence of Late Precambrian rocks that outcrop between the Pontesford–Linley Fault System and the Church Stretton Fault System in the Welsh Borderland Fault System. The supergroup consists of two major geological groups, the Stretton Group and the overlying Wentnor Group. The rocks are a generally regressive sequence from basinal facies to clastic sedimentation. The rocks are thought to be derived from Uriconian mountains that were formed during the southward subduction of an oceanic plate beneath a continental block (ocean closure). The rocks have since been folded due to fault movements and plunge gently to the south.

Longmyndian Supergroup

The Longmyndian Supergroup is a 6,000-metre-thick (20,000 ft) sequence of Late Precambrian rocks that outcrop between the Pontesford–Linley Fault System and the Church Stretton Fault System in the Welsh Borderland Fault System. The supergroup consists of two major geological groups, the Stretton Group and the overlying Wentnor Group. The rocks are a generally regressive sequence from basinal facies to clastic sedimentation. The rocks are thought to be derived from Uriconian mountains that were formed during the southward subduction of an oceanic plate beneath a continental block (ocean closure). The rocks have since been folded due to fault movements and plunge gently to the south.