Madness Album (unreleased)

The Unreleased Madness Album was to be the seventh studio album by the English ska/pop band Madness. In early July they returned from a long grueling tour incorporating Australia and America culminating with some European and UK festivals. Between July and early September they recorded demos for this new album at their Liquidator Studios in North London. From these demos they selected a sequenced tracklisting of 11 songs to be produced for the finished album. At least one other track ("Gabriel's Horn") was also demoed, indicating there may have been others additionally recorded.

Madness Album (unreleased)

The Unreleased Madness Album was to be the seventh studio album by the English ska/pop band Madness. In early July they returned from a long grueling tour incorporating Australia and America culminating with some European and UK festivals. Between July and early September they recorded demos for this new album at their Liquidator Studios in North London. From these demos they selected a sequenced tracklisting of 11 songs to be produced for the finished album. At least one other track ("Gabriel's Horn") was also demoed, indicating there may have been others additionally recorded.