Maida flour

Maida is a finely milled refined and bleached wheat flour, closely resembling Cake flour or plain/All-purpose flour from India. A white wheat flour without any bran is called maida in southern India. Its north Indian counterpart is atta, wholewheat flour. It is either naturally bleached due to atmospheric oxygen or using chemical bleaches. Maida flour (Safed Atta) is used extensively in making fast food, bakery products such as pastries and bread, varieties of sweets and in making traditional breads.

Maida flour

Maida is a finely milled refined and bleached wheat flour, closely resembling Cake flour or plain/All-purpose flour from India. A white wheat flour without any bran is called maida in southern India. Its north Indian counterpart is atta, wholewheat flour. It is either naturally bleached due to atmospheric oxygen or using chemical bleaches. Maida flour (Safed Atta) is used extensively in making fast food, bakery products such as pastries and bread, varieties of sweets and in making traditional breads.