Manufacturing clause

The Manufacturing clause is a clause specifically stating that all copies of a work must be printed or otherwise produced domestically, even if the copyright was held by a foreigner. This was a feature of the International Copyright Act of 1891, covering books, maps, photographs, and lithographs. Its extension to all other media was proposed in the 1897 Treloar Copyright Bill, which failed in committee. The manufacturing clause did not expire until 1986, keeping the United States out of the Berne Convention until 1989.

Manufacturing clause

The Manufacturing clause is a clause specifically stating that all copies of a work must be printed or otherwise produced domestically, even if the copyright was held by a foreigner. This was a feature of the International Copyright Act of 1891, covering books, maps, photographs, and lithographs. Its extension to all other media was proposed in the 1897 Treloar Copyright Bill, which failed in committee. The manufacturing clause did not expire until 1986, keeping the United States out of the Berne Convention until 1989.