Mathematical fiction

Mathematical fiction is a genre of creative fictional work in which mathematics and mathematicians play important roles. The form and the media of the works are not important. It could be literary works in the form of short stories, novels or plays; it could be comic books; it could be films, videos, or audios. One of the earliest and much studied work of this genre is Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, an 1884 satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott. Though, probably, mathematical fiction might have existed since ancient times, it was rediscovered as a genre of literature recently, and since its rediscovery there has been a growing body of literature in this genre and the genre has attracted a growing body of readers. For example, Abbot's Flatland spawned a

Mathematical fiction

Mathematical fiction is a genre of creative fictional work in which mathematics and mathematicians play important roles. The form and the media of the works are not important. It could be literary works in the form of short stories, novels or plays; it could be comic books; it could be films, videos, or audios. One of the earliest and much studied work of this genre is Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, an 1884 satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott. Though, probably, mathematical fiction might have existed since ancient times, it was rediscovered as a genre of literature recently, and since its rediscovery there has been a growing body of literature in this genre and the genre has attracted a growing body of readers. For example, Abbot's Flatland spawned a