Maury (crater)

Maury is a small lunar impact crater named for two cousins. It was first named in honor of Lieutenant Matthew Fontaine Maury of the U. S. Naval Observatory and later shared to honor Antonia Maury of Harvard College Observatory. The crater lies in the northeastern part of the Moon, just to the east of the Lacus Somniorum. The nearest named craters are Hall to the southwest, and Cepheus farther to the northeast. Just to the west of Maury is the lava-flooded remains of the satellite crater Maury C.

Maury (crater)

Maury is a small lunar impact crater named for two cousins. It was first named in honor of Lieutenant Matthew Fontaine Maury of the U. S. Naval Observatory and later shared to honor Antonia Maury of Harvard College Observatory. The crater lies in the northeastern part of the Moon, just to the east of the Lacus Somniorum. The nearest named craters are Hall to the southwest, and Cepheus farther to the northeast. Just to the west of Maury is the lava-flooded remains of the satellite crater Maury C.