Mayoral control of schools

Mayoral control of schools is governance over American schools based on the business model, in which the mayor of a city replaces an elected board of education (school board) with an appointed board. The mayor may also directly appoint the head of the school system, called the CEO, superintendent or chancellor. Also known as "integrated governance", mayoral control of schools is a formal structure of governance that replaces a structure in which "an elected board insulates schools from formal mayoral influence".

Mayoral control of schools

Mayoral control of schools is governance over American schools based on the business model, in which the mayor of a city replaces an elected board of education (school board) with an appointed board. The mayor may also directly appoint the head of the school system, called the CEO, superintendent or chancellor. Also known as "integrated governance", mayoral control of schools is a formal structure of governance that replaces a structure in which "an elected board insulates schools from formal mayoral influence".