Medford Cable News

Medford Cable News, (MCN) is the City of Medford, MA's only non-profit broadcast news station. Owned and operated by Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. MCN began in 2010 as a short news topic program that aired on Comcast channel 3. After Medford Community Cablevision was internationally recognized by the Alliance for Community Media for "Overall Excellence in Public Television," the news station expanded to live broadcasts and an online publication. MCN reports on local, government, business, and entertainment news. The company plans to also feature live weather and sports reports by July 2011.

Medford Cable News

Medford Cable News, (MCN) is the City of Medford, MA's only non-profit broadcast news station. Owned and operated by Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. MCN began in 2010 as a short news topic program that aired on Comcast channel 3. After Medford Community Cablevision was internationally recognized by the Alliance for Community Media for "Overall Excellence in Public Television," the news station expanded to live broadcasts and an online publication. MCN reports on local, government, business, and entertainment news. The company plans to also feature live weather and sports reports by July 2011.