Mee bandung Muar

Mee bandung Muar, or simply Mee bandung, is a traditional cuisine originated from Muar, Johor, Malaysia. The word bandung in its name derives from the literal meaning of the word in the Malay language, which is "mixed" or "pairs", as in several Malay words like Sirap bandung (rose syrup beverage mixed with condensed milk) and Rumah berbandung (semi-detached house). It is a misconception to think that the name indicates that Mee bandung originated in Bandung, a city in Indonesia; the two are unrelated. Besides Muar, Klang and Kajang, both in Selangor, are also noted for Mee bandung.

Mee bandung Muar

Mee bandung Muar, or simply Mee bandung, is a traditional cuisine originated from Muar, Johor, Malaysia. The word bandung in its name derives from the literal meaning of the word in the Malay language, which is "mixed" or "pairs", as in several Malay words like Sirap bandung (rose syrup beverage mixed with condensed milk) and Rumah berbandung (semi-detached house). It is a misconception to think that the name indicates that Mee bandung originated in Bandung, a city in Indonesia; the two are unrelated. Besides Muar, Klang and Kajang, both in Selangor, are also noted for Mee bandung.