Member states of the United Nations

There are 193 United Nations (UN) member states, and each of them is a member of the United Nations General Assembly. The criteria for admission of new members are set out in the United Nations Charter, Chapter II, Article 4: A recommendation for admission from the Security Council requires affirmative votes from at least nine of the council's fifteen members, with none of the five permanent members voting against. The Security Council's recommendation must then be subsequently approved in the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote.

Member states of the United Nations

There are 193 United Nations (UN) member states, and each of them is a member of the United Nations General Assembly. The criteria for admission of new members are set out in the United Nations Charter, Chapter II, Article 4: A recommendation for admission from the Security Council requires affirmative votes from at least nine of the council's fifteen members, with none of the five permanent members voting against. The Security Council's recommendation must then be subsequently approved in the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote.