Modern Thinkers Party of Islamic Iran

Modern Thinkers Party of Islamic Iran (Persian: حزب نواندیشان ایران اسلامی), likewise known as MTPII, was established by Dr Amir Mohebbian in 2006, as a modernist, moderate conservative political party. The party has supported justice, freedom, and "moral rule" of Iranian society, and to resolve community problems through dialogue with the political elite. Diplomatically, the party has advocated "New Idea reforms" aimed at bringing Iran and the world towards an Islamic nation with peace and progress within Islamic ideals. The party has noted that the elimination of poverty and discrimination in all political areas is only possible through the creation of economic, cultural, and social justice.

Modern Thinkers Party of Islamic Iran

Modern Thinkers Party of Islamic Iran (Persian: حزب نواندیشان ایران اسلامی), likewise known as MTPII, was established by Dr Amir Mohebbian in 2006, as a modernist, moderate conservative political party. The party has supported justice, freedom, and "moral rule" of Iranian society, and to resolve community problems through dialogue with the political elite. Diplomatically, the party has advocated "New Idea reforms" aimed at bringing Iran and the world towards an Islamic nation with peace and progress within Islamic ideals. The party has noted that the elimination of poverty and discrimination in all political areas is only possible through the creation of economic, cultural, and social justice.