Monthly Shōnen Ace

Monthly Shōnen Ace (月刊少年エース Gekkan Shōnen Ēsu) is a monthly shōnen manga magazine in Japan published by Kadokawa Shoten, started in 1994. Unlike the big shōnen weeklies with circulation figures in the millions, Ace is aimed at a less mainstream audience, and has a particular emphasis on anime tie-ins. There's a fair amount of Ecchi featured in the magazine, while only a few series are action oriented.

Monthly Shōnen Ace

Monthly Shōnen Ace (月刊少年エース Gekkan Shōnen Ēsu) is a monthly shōnen manga magazine in Japan published by Kadokawa Shoten, started in 1994. Unlike the big shōnen weeklies with circulation figures in the millions, Ace is aimed at a less mainstream audience, and has a particular emphasis on anime tie-ins. There's a fair amount of Ecchi featured in the magazine, while only a few series are action oriented.