Moral Orel

Moral Orel is an American stop-motion animated television show, which originally aired a sneak peek on Adult Swim on December 13, 2005, before it officially aired on January 23, 2006 to January 18, 2009. It has been described as "Davey and Goliath...meets South Park". However, Dino Stamatopoulos, the show's creator, is wary of the comparison with Davey and Goliath, telling the New York Times that Moral Orel grew out of a concept for a send-up of a Leave It to Beaver-style 1950s sitcom that would star Iggy Pop.

Moral Orel

Moral Orel is an American stop-motion animated television show, which originally aired a sneak peek on Adult Swim on December 13, 2005, before it officially aired on January 23, 2006 to January 18, 2009. It has been described as "Davey and Goliath...meets South Park". However, Dino Stamatopoulos, the show's creator, is wary of the comparison with Davey and Goliath, telling the New York Times that Moral Orel grew out of a concept for a send-up of a Leave It to Beaver-style 1950s sitcom that would star Iggy Pop.