Morant Bay rebellion

The Morant Bay rebellion (11 October 1865) began with a protest march that day to the courthouse by hundreds of peasants led by preacher Paul Bogle in Morant Bay, Jamaica. Some were armed with sticks and stones. After seven men were shot and killed by the volunteer militia, the protesters attacked and burned the court house and nearby buildings. A total of 25 people died . Over the next two days, peasants rose up across St. Thomas-in-the-East parish and controlled most of the area.

Morant Bay rebellion

The Morant Bay rebellion (11 October 1865) began with a protest march that day to the courthouse by hundreds of peasants led by preacher Paul Bogle in Morant Bay, Jamaica. Some were armed with sticks and stones. After seven men were shot and killed by the volunteer militia, the protesters attacked and burned the court house and nearby buildings. A total of 25 people died . Over the next two days, peasants rose up across St. Thomas-in-the-East parish and controlled most of the area.