Muslim Charity

Muslim Charity is an international relief and development non-governmental organization (NGO) that aims to alleviate the suffering of the world's poorest people. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, it successfully carries out short and long-term development projects - regardless of race, religion or gender. Health, Education and Helping People that is what Muslim Charity is all about. Muslim Charity's vision is to create a world where people can appreciate life with good health and livelihood.

Muslim Charity

Muslim Charity is an international relief and development non-governmental organization (NGO) that aims to alleviate the suffering of the world's poorest people. As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, it successfully carries out short and long-term development projects - regardless of race, religion or gender. Health, Education and Helping People that is what Muslim Charity is all about. Muslim Charity's vision is to create a world where people can appreciate life with good health and livelihood.