My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky

My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky is the eleventh studio album by Swans released on September 23, 2010; it is their first studio recording in 14 years. Swans founder Michael Gira funded the recording of this album by creating the limited-edition album I Am Not Insane and chose several collaborators from previous Swans line-ups as well as his side project Angels of Light to record and tour for this album. My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky has received positive critical feedback for the return of Swans as well as the rich spiritual themes of the lyrics.

My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky

My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky is the eleventh studio album by Swans released on September 23, 2010; it is their first studio recording in 14 years. Swans founder Michael Gira funded the recording of this album by creating the limited-edition album I Am Not Insane and chose several collaborators from previous Swans line-ups as well as his side project Angels of Light to record and tour for this album. My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky has received positive critical feedback for the return of Swans as well as the rich spiritual themes of the lyrics.