NSU Trial

The NSU Trial is the trial against several people in connection with the National Socialist Underground (NSU) – an extreme-right terrorist organization in Germany – and the NSU murders. It has been taking place since 6 May 2013 in Munich in the 6th Criminal Division of the Munich Higher Regional Court before five professional judges. Accused are Beate Zschäpe and four suspected helpers and supporters: André Eminger, Holger Gerlach, Carsten Schultze and former NPD official Ralf Wohlleben. André Eminger is accused, inter alia, of being an accessory in the nail bomb attack in Cologne in 2004.

NSU Trial

The NSU Trial is the trial against several people in connection with the National Socialist Underground (NSU) – an extreme-right terrorist organization in Germany – and the NSU murders. It has been taking place since 6 May 2013 in Munich in the 6th Criminal Division of the Munich Higher Regional Court before five professional judges. Accused are Beate Zschäpe and four suspected helpers and supporters: André Eminger, Holger Gerlach, Carsten Schultze and former NPD official Ralf Wohlleben. André Eminger is accused, inter alia, of being an accessory in the nail bomb attack in Cologne in 2004.