National Civil Defence Cadet Corps

The National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) of Singapore was formed in 2005 and is currently the newest recognized member of the National Uniformed Group. The creation of this Uniformed Group was initiated by the Ministry of Home Affairs in response to the need for the young leaders of tomorrow to have a firm pillar and grounding in Singapore's firm belief of Total Defence. Together with the National Police Cadet Corps, both corps have their Headquarters located at the Home Team Academy.

National Civil Defence Cadet Corps

The National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) of Singapore was formed in 2005 and is currently the newest recognized member of the National Uniformed Group. The creation of this Uniformed Group was initiated by the Ministry of Home Affairs in response to the need for the young leaders of tomorrow to have a firm pillar and grounding in Singapore's firm belief of Total Defence. Together with the National Police Cadet Corps, both corps have their Headquarters located at the Home Team Academy.