National Literary Society

The National Literary Society (also known as the Irish National Literary Society) was founded in Dublin in 1892 by William Butler Yeats. The members first met in John O’Leary's rooms on Mountjoy Square, and later formally at the Rotunda. Its first president was Douglas Hyde. On 25 November 1892 Hyde delivered a lecture to the society on The Necessity for De-Anglicising Ireland, a precursor to the founding of the Gaelic League.

National Literary Society

The National Literary Society (also known as the Irish National Literary Society) was founded in Dublin in 1892 by William Butler Yeats. The members first met in John O’Leary's rooms on Mountjoy Square, and later formally at the Rotunda. Its first president was Douglas Hyde. On 25 November 1892 Hyde delivered a lecture to the society on The Necessity for De-Anglicising Ireland, a precursor to the founding of the Gaelic League.