National Truth Commission

The National Truth Commission (Portuguese: Comissão Nacional da Verdade) was approved by the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil on 21 September 2011. Originally planned to investigate human rights violations during the military dictatorship of 1964–1985, it investigated violations from the period of 1946–1988. The bill, which originated from the Executive branch, was approved in late 2011 by the Federal Senate and sanctioned by President Dilma Rousseff. The commission lasted for two years and consist of seven members appointed by Rousseff. Members of the commission had access to all government files about the 1946–1988 period and may convene victims or people accused of violations for testimony, although it wasn't mandatory for them to attend.

National Truth Commission

The National Truth Commission (Portuguese: Comissão Nacional da Verdade) was approved by the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil on 21 September 2011. Originally planned to investigate human rights violations during the military dictatorship of 1964–1985, it investigated violations from the period of 1946–1988. The bill, which originated from the Executive branch, was approved in late 2011 by the Federal Senate and sanctioned by President Dilma Rousseff. The commission lasted for two years and consist of seven members appointed by Rousseff. Members of the commission had access to all government files about the 1946–1988 period and may convene victims or people accused of violations for testimony, although it wasn't mandatory for them to attend.