
Nenè is a 1977 Italian drama film directed by Salvatore Samperi. The film is a historical drama, set in post-war Italy in 1948 during the first free elections after the war. It tells of a romance and a coming-of-age amid a difficult family life and amid national political tensions. The film was an adaptation of the best-selling novel of the same name, written by Cesare Lanza. His novel won the Premio Sila award in 1976.


Nenè is a 1977 Italian drama film directed by Salvatore Samperi. The film is a historical drama, set in post-war Italy in 1948 during the first free elections after the war. It tells of a romance and a coming-of-age amid a difficult family life and amid national political tensions. The film was an adaptation of the best-selling novel of the same name, written by Cesare Lanza. His novel won the Premio Sila award in 1976.