Neofelis diardi diardi

Neofelis diardi diardi (Wilting et al., 2007) is a subspecies of the Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) native to the Batu and Sumatran islands of Indonesia. It is different to Neofelis diardi borneensis, (Wilting et al., 2007) which is native to the island of Borneo.

Neofelis diardi diardi

Neofelis diardi diardi (Wilting et al., 2007) is a subspecies of the Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) native to the Batu and Sumatran islands of Indonesia. It is different to Neofelis diardi borneensis, (Wilting et al., 2007) which is native to the island of Borneo.