Northern Mindoro languages

The Northern Mindoro (North Mangyan) languages are one of two small clusters of languages spoken by the Mangyan people of Mindoro Island in the Philippines. The languages are Alangan, Iraya, and Tadyawan. Ronald Himes (2012) and Lawrence Reid (2015) suggest that the Northern Mindoro languages may group with the Central Luzon languages. Both branches share the phonological innovation Proto-Austronesian *R > /y/.

Northern Mindoro languages

The Northern Mindoro (North Mangyan) languages are one of two small clusters of languages spoken by the Mangyan people of Mindoro Island in the Philippines. The languages are Alangan, Iraya, and Tadyawan. Ronald Himes (2012) and Lawrence Reid (2015) suggest that the Northern Mindoro languages may group with the Central Luzon languages. Both branches share the phonological innovation Proto-Austronesian *R > /y/.