October Palace

The October Palace (Ukrainian: Жовтневий палац, Zhovtnevy palats) a performing arts center in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. It is officially known as the International Center of Culture and Arts (Ukrainian: Міжнародний центр культури і мистецтв, Mizhnarodny tsentr kul'tury i mystetstv) of the Trade Union Federation of Ukraine, while October Palace is used out of brevity.

October Palace

The October Palace (Ukrainian: Жовтневий палац, Zhovtnevy palats) a performing arts center in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. It is officially known as the International Center of Culture and Arts (Ukrainian: Міжнародний центр культури і мистецтв, Mizhnarodny tsentr kul'tury i mystetstv) of the Trade Union Federation of Ukraine, while October Palace is used out of brevity.