Oliver Fiechter

Oliver Fiechter (born April 30, 1972) is a Swiss economic philosopher, entrepreneur, and author. He is best known as the author of We Are The Economy! (2012) and Rise of the Digital Tribal Society (2016) where he forecasts a future global economic and social order, called the ‘Economy 3.0’, defined by a transparent digital Barter society. Fiechter’s beliefs are influenced by the field of thought known as Constructivism, particularly Heinz von Foerster's work on Self-organization systems. Fiechter is also the founder of the ISG Institute in St. Gallen and CEO of The RPRT Group.

Oliver Fiechter

Oliver Fiechter (born April 30, 1972) is a Swiss economic philosopher, entrepreneur, and author. He is best known as the author of We Are The Economy! (2012) and Rise of the Digital Tribal Society (2016) where he forecasts a future global economic and social order, called the ‘Economy 3.0’, defined by a transparent digital Barter society. Fiechter’s beliefs are influenced by the field of thought known as Constructivism, particularly Heinz von Foerster's work on Self-organization systems. Fiechter is also the founder of the ISG Institute in St. Gallen and CEO of The RPRT Group.