OpenDocument Foundation

The OpenDocument Foundation, Inc. was an organization set up in 2002 by Sam Hiser and Paul "Buck" Martin (real name Paul E. Merrell) to promote the use of open standards-based XML/RDF document formats for desktop computer use. Many members of the foundation were involved in the development of OpenDocument, first in the OASIS Office XML Format TC (Technical Committee) and later in the OASIS Open Document Format TC with up to four members of the TC representing the OpenDocument foundation in the TC.

OpenDocument Foundation

The OpenDocument Foundation, Inc. was an organization set up in 2002 by Sam Hiser and Paul "Buck" Martin (real name Paul E. Merrell) to promote the use of open standards-based XML/RDF document formats for desktop computer use. Many members of the foundation were involved in the development of OpenDocument, first in the OASIS Office XML Format TC (Technical Committee) and later in the OASIS Open Document Format TC with up to four members of the TC representing the OpenDocument foundation in the TC.