Operation Beit ol-Moqaddas

Operation Beit-ol-Moqaddas (Jerusalem) (Persian: عملیات بیت‌المقدس‎‎) was an Iranian operation conducted during the Iran–Iraq War. The operation was a success, in as so far as it achieved its standing aim of liberation of Khorramshahr and pushing Iraqi troops back to the border. This operation, coupled with Operation Tariq al-Qods, and Operation Undeniable Victory, succeeded in evicting Iraqi troops from southern Iran and gave Iran the momentum.

Operation Beit ol-Moqaddas

Operation Beit-ol-Moqaddas (Jerusalem) (Persian: عملیات بیت‌المقدس‎‎) was an Iranian operation conducted during the Iran–Iraq War. The operation was a success, in as so far as it achieved its standing aim of liberation of Khorramshahr and pushing Iraqi troops back to the border. This operation, coupled with Operation Tariq al-Qods, and Operation Undeniable Victory, succeeded in evicting Iraqi troops from southern Iran and gave Iran the momentum.